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Arm And Hammer String Band

Arm And Hammer String Band - Stay On The Farm

Probably as band members we've learned the most
from each other. We found that the more we let four
perspectives run loose, the looser becomes the definition of "old-time music''. We've also become more
aware of something happening when the same people play music together for awhile; it's not the number of tunes you all know in common, it's your rhythm that
really identifies you. That's what being a dance band
is all about, seems to us. - Excerpt from back LP cover

Sid Blum - guitar, banjo, guitar-banjo, fiddle, vocals.
Joel Eckhaus - mandolin, banjo-mandolin, button accordion, ukulele, guitar, vocals.
Pete Sutherland - fiddle, vocals.
Hilary Dirlam - bass, piano, guitar, vocals

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