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How You Want It Done

  • How You Want It Done

    William Lee Conley Broonzy was born in 1893 in Scott, Mississippi, but moved to Chicago shortly after World War I, By the 1930's he was one of the leading figures in the Chicago blues scene, a pioneer in the Chicago blues sound, and a friend and mentor to younger musicians, His career took a major turn in 1938, when the unexpected death of Robert Johnson created a vacancy in John Hammond's big "Spirituals To Swing" con€rt in New York, Big Bill stepped in instead, and was an instant hit with the urban folk audience. He soon perfected a soft, laid-back, Josh White- like style to suit his new fans, and enjoyed great success as a folk performer until his death in 1959,

    "Big Bill" Broonzy, vocal, guitar.

    New York NY 3/29/32 Perfect 0207

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