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Rattlin' Daddy

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Same as Montgomery Ward M-7035

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  • Rattlin' Daddy

    Born in Wakefield, Kentucky in 1908, Bill Carlisle performed mostly with his older brother Cliff until Cliff's retirement in 1950, He then put together his own group, recording a string of novelty hits that got him a spot on the Grand Ole Opry in 1953. His energetic stage antics earned him the nickname "Jumping Bill Carlisle", and he was a great favorite with the Saturday night audiences even after his fame began to fade. He is about to turn 91 as this tape goes out, and has toned down his act a bit, but he still shows up for the Opry, where he is now one of its most senior members,

    Bill Carlisle, vocal, guitar.

    Charlotte NC 6/16/36 Montgomery Ward M-7035

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