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Clawhammer Banjo

Clawhammer Banjo

Tune View
Title Artist Notes
Alabama Bound Virgil Anderson

Berea Traditional Music Celebrations

Alabama Water Virgil Anderson

Virgil Anderson on guitar

Berea Traditional Music Celebrations

Bad Woman Blues Virgil Anderson

Berea Traditional Music Celebrations

Banjo On The Hill Walt Koken

Banjo tuned gCGBD

Banjo Pickin' Girl Virgil Anderson

Berea Traditional Music Celebrations

Big Woman Where'd You Stay Last Night John Hannah

Recorded by Tim Caudill

Bile Them Cabbage Down Will Montgomery

John Call, Guitar

Blue Ridge Mountains Virgil Anderson

Berea Traditional Music Celebrations

Bowling Green Clyde Davenport

Recorded by Andy Cahan

Br'er Bear Walt Koken

Banjo tuned gDGBD

Buffalo Gals Will Montgomery

John Call, Guitar

By and By Blues Virgil Anderson

Berea Traditional Music Celebrations

Chinquapin Pie Walt Koken

Public Domain

Banjo tuned gDGCD

Cindy Will Montgomery

John Call, guitar

Coal Creek March Clyde Davenport

Recorded by Andy Cahan

Columbia Avenue Blues W.L. Gregory
Come All You Rambling Ramblers Virgil Anderson

Berea Traditional Music Celebrations

Come Ye Lovin' Brothers Let's Go Down To The Valley To Pray Bernard Cyrus

Banjo - Recorded by Tim Caudill

Cripple Creek John Hannah

Recorded by Tim Caudill

Cripple Creek Will Montgomery

John Call, guitar

Cumberland Gap Virgil Anderson

Berea Traditional Music Celebrations

Curly Headed Baby Virgil Anderson

Berea Traditional Music Celebrations

Darlin' Cory Virgil Anderson

Berea Traditional Music Celebrations

Down At The Mouth Of Old Stinson Walt Koken

Public Domain

Banjo tuned gCGBD

Down South Blues Walt Koken

Public Domain

Banjo tuned gDGBD

Drive Me Crazy Virgil Anderson

Berea Traditional Music Celebrations

For So Long Virgil Anderson

Berea Traditional Music Celebrations

Frankie And Albert Walt Koken

Public Domain

Banjo tuned gDGBD

Goin' Across The Sea Virgil Anderson

Berea Traditional Music Celebrations

Goin' Across The Sea Bernard Cyrus

Banjo - Recorded by Tim Caudill

Going Around This World John Hannah

Recorded by Kerry Blech

Golden Guineas Virgil Anderson

Berea Traditional Music Celebrations

Good Daddy Virgil Anderson

Berea Traditional Music Celebrations

Got Two Women Virgil Anderson

Berea Traditional Music Celebrations

Green Ford Blues Virgil Anderson

Berea Traditional Music Celebrations

Grunville Town John Hannah

Recorded by Kerry Blech

Hesitation Blues Virgil Anderson

Berea Traditional Music Celebrations

Homemade Stuff W.L. Gregory
Hot Corn Stella Elam

Recorded by Chirps Smith

I Want A Woman Virgil Anderson

Berea Traditional Music Celebrations

I'm A Poor Boy Virgil Anderson

Berea Traditional Music Celebrations

I'm Going Around Virgil Anderson

Berea Traditional Music Celebrations

I'm Leaving You Woman Virgil Anderson

Berea Traditional Music Celebrations

Indian Two W.L. Gregory
Johnson's Grey Mule Will Montgomery

John Call, guitar

Kaiser's Front, The Will Montgomery

John Call, guitar

Kitty Puss Bernard Cyrus

Banjo - Recorded by Tim Caudill

Ladies On The Steamboat Clyde Davenport

Recorded by Andy Cahan

Late Last Night Virgil Anderson

Berea Traditional Music Celebrations

Little Birdie Bernard Cyrus

Banjo - Recorded by Tim Caudill

Longest Day Virgil Anderson

Berea Traditional Music Celebrations

Lookout Mountain Virgil Anderson

Berea Traditional Music Celebrations

Maple Leaf Rag Walt Koken

Public Domain

Banjo tuned gCGBD

Miner's Dream Virgil Anderson

Berea Traditional Music Celebrations

Old Cow Died At The Fork Of The Branch Clyde Davenport

Recorded by Andy Cahan

Old Man Of The Mountains Virgil Anderson

Berea Traditional Music Celebrations

Old Molly Hare Weems String Band
Paddy On The Turnpike Clyde Davenport

Recorded by Andy Cahan

Peaceful Times Walt Koken

Banjo tuned gCGBD

Peas And Taters Walt Koken

Banjo tuned gDGBD

Polecat's Den Clyde Davenport

Recorded by Andy Cahan

Pretty Baby Virgil Anderson

Berea Traditional Music Celebrations

Pretty Little Pink John Hannah

Recorded by Kerry Blech

Red Bird W.L. Gregory
Red Hand Boogie Virgil Anderson

Berea Traditional Music Celebrations

Reuben Virgil Anderson

Berea Traditional Music Celebrations

Rocky Island John Salyer

Rec by Grover and Glen Salyer

Roll On John Hiram Stamper

Recorded by Bruce Greene

Roll On John John Salyer
Sally Ann Clyde Davenport

Recorded by Andy Cahan

Save The Nation Walt Koken

Banjo tuned gDGBD

Shortenin' Bread John Sharp
Shout Little Lulu John Hannah

Recorded by Tim Caudill

Silk And Velvet Waltz Walt Koken

Banjo tuned gCGBD

Sittin' In the Catbird's Seat Walt Koken

Banjo tuned gDGBD

So Long Virgil Anderson

Berea Traditional Music Celebrations

Sporting Man Virgil Anderson

Berea Traditional Music Celebrations

Station House Blues Virgil Anderson

Berea Traditional Music Celebrations

Stone Road Walt Koken

Banjo tuned gCGBD

Strawberry Jam Walt Koken

Banjo tuned gDGBD

Sugar In My Coffee-O Clyde Davenport

Recorded by Andy Cahan

Sweet Daisy Virgil Anderson

Berea Traditional Music Celebrations

Talking Garden Walt Koken

Banjo tuned gDGBD

That Gal With The Run Down Shoe Walt Koken

Banjo tuned gDGBD

There She Goes Will Montgomery

John Call, guitar

Trouble Won't Last Always Virgil Anderson

Berea Traditional Music Celebrations

Unnamed Banjo Tune Virgil Anderson

Berea Traditional Music Celebrations

Unnamed Banjo Tune Clyde Davenport

Recorded by Andy Cahan

Unnamed Banjo Tune Will Montgomery

John Call, guitar

Unnamed Banjo Tune Virgil Anderson

Berea Traditional Music Celebrations

Unnamed Waltz Virgil Anderson

Berea Traditional Music Celebrations

Walkin' In The Parlor Bernard Cyrus

Recorded by Tim Caudill - Learned from Woody Simmons

Walking Skeleton John Hannah

Recorded by Kerry Blech

Weary Blues Walt Koken

Public Domain

Banjo tuned gCGBD

Wild Geese Flying North Virgil Anderson

Berea Traditional Music Celebrations

Wild Goose Chase Currence Hammons

From the collection of Gerry Milnes

Woman Where You Been Virgil Anderson

Berea Traditional Music Celebrations

Yellow Woman Bernard Cyrus

Banjo - Recorded by Tim Caudill

Yes Sir That's My Baby Will Montgomery

John call, guitar

You've Been Gone So Long Virgil Anderson

Berea Traditional Music Celebrations

Slippery Hill Logo

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