1927 was the year of the great country music feeding frenzy in the record business. The previous year had seen undreamed-of. country record sales in an otherwise weak market. The records were cheap to make (often you didn't have to pay the musicians at all), and nobody had a clue what the next big hit was going to be,. The major labels sent out talent scouts and advertised in newspapers through the South, then set up temporary local studios -- Victor in Bristol and Charlotte and OKeh in Winston-Salem -- and recorded. just about everybody who showed up. This wasn't completely crazy; it got Victor the Carter Family. But a number of excellent musicians of no possible commercial appeal made a record or two, including this unknown group who sound like they really are a Virginia singing class.
In That Crowning Day
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In That Crowning Day
L.V. Jones and his Virginia Singing Class: personnel unknown.
Winston-Salem NC 9/27/27 OKeh 45187