The Revival Years In Old Time Music
Hilary Dirlam contacted me and asked if I'd be interested in putting the late 70's Arm And Hammer String Band LP on Slippery-Hill. With Sid Blum and Pete Sutherland gone the two remaining members of the band, Hilary and Joel Eckhaus, wanted to make sure this music was not lost.
And this is how the idea for "The Revival Years In Old Time Music" collection came to be. I thought that Hilary and Joel might not be alone in wanting a place where these great old LP's could be freely perused.
If you have a request for inclusion to The Revival Years In Old Time Music collection:
- It must not be commercially available, as in reissued for example.
- All artists on the recording should be in agreement to share their work.
- Supplying tune keys and fiddle tunings would be very helpful.
Larry Warren [email protected]
Arm And Hammer String Band
Bucksnort Barndance Band
Doug Phillips - with Hilary Dirlam & Laura Boosinger