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Victor V-40000 Series

Victor V-40000 Series


The sound files in this collection were gleaned from,, YouTube, Juneberry 78's (now defunct), Honking Duck, personal collections, and LP and CD reissues. They may or may not be direct transfers from 78's. Credit is given to the source in almost all cases.

The Country Music Records - A Discography 1921-1942 by Tony Russell was relied upon as was and .

If you have a sound file for anything in the Missing Victor 40000 Series List below and you are willing to share, please contact me at: [email protected]Larry Warren

Direct downloads for commercially available recordings used in this collection have been disabled.

Tune View
Title Artist Notes Catalog Number
On The Happy Hallelujah Side V.O. Stamps & M.L Yandell V-40084
Singing While Ages Roll V.O. Stamps & M.L Yandell V-40084
My Prayer Grisham's Quartet V-40238
Some Day We'll Meet Our Mother Grisham's Quartet V-40238

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